Friday, 19 September 2014

Video Mystery Questions: Set 2

Question 1: Are you located near one of the Great Lakes?

Question 2: Are you within 100 miles of a border with another country?

Question 3: Are you west of Lake Michigan?

Question 4: On this link to US Map on Wikepedia is your state colored yellow?

Question 5: Has your football team won the Superbowl in the last 15 years?

1 comment:

  1. 1. Yes, we are near one of the Great Lakes but it depends a bit on how you'd define "near"
    2. No, we are not within 100 miles of a border with another country.
    3. Yes, we are west of Lake Michigan.
    4. Yes, our state is yellow on the Wikipedia map.
    5. Yes, our team has won a superbowl within the last 15 years.
